Becoming The Change Podcast (Episode 732): Use Your Words As Your Voice

Welcome to the Becoming The Change Podcast. Each daily reading focuses on a different quote on how we can best apply it to our own moral compass and one of the five areas in Social Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making. Thank you for listening and we hope you consider subscribing to the podcast for future episodes.

Use Your Words As Your Voice

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows, not thunder.”


As today’s quote by Persian poet Rumi points out, sometimes it is our words and not our voice that has more power in the grand scheme of things. When you think about it, when we raise our voice it is a 50/50 chance that it will have the type of impact we are intentionally trying to have. If that always becomes our method of choice of being loud and proud it will for sure lose its power and not give the results we desire. Why? Because those that we will are trying to influence will become numb to all that noise.

However if we raise our words, they can stay impactful in the minds of others. Often times the pen is truly mightier. Words have the power to influence others and can come across as being more non-threatening than verbal tactics. As Rumi says the rain makes things grow, not the thunder. Thunder will dissipate eventually and its affect is temporary whereas rain creates nourishment for things to grow and becomes infused within the soil much like the words that we write become infused within the minds of others. Let us decide to let our words be our voice and be that voice of reason.

What does this quote mean to you and how can you apply today’s message towards developing your responsible decision making skills?

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Special thanks to Todd Cluff for his music on this podcast.

A special thank you to Feedspot for recognizing the Becoming The Change podcast as one of the Top 10 Social Emotional Learning Podcasts  on the internet. It is an honor to be amongst the other podcasts on this list as we all strive to make this world a better place.

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