Becoming The Change Podcast (Episode 733): Inspiring Others Pays You Back Ten Fold

Welcome to the Becoming The Change Podcast. Each daily reading focuses on a different quote on how we can best apply it to our own moral compass and one of the five areas in Social Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making. Thank you for listening and we hope you consider subscribing to the podcast for future episodes.

Inspiring Others Pays You Back Ten Fold

“The more people you inspire the more people will inspire you.”

-Simon Sinek

For as long as I can remember I have lived by three words: serve, lead and inspire. They are actually the same three words I have as my Twitter handle. Each one is important in its own right and guide my own moral compass in all that I do each and every day. In today’s quote author, speaker and podcaster Simon Sinek focuses on the third word which is inspire. He says that the more people we inspire the more people will inspire us. And in my experience, he couldn’t be more right. We all have the ability to inspire one another in all that we do. We can inspire our friends and our family. Even those that can are complete strangers. Any act of random kindness can serve as that spark to inspire others to become their best self. Their efforts can inspire others and so on. It is like the domino effect and just being witness to that can inspire you ten fold. Know that all that your strive to do in making this world a better place is never done in vain. We have the opportunity to inspire others if we look for those glimmers of hope in others because they are there if we are willing to look hard enough. Our greatest aspiration should be our inspiration in being the change we wish to see in the world. Let your moral compass inspire you to inspire others.

What does this quote mean to you and how can you apply today’s message towards defining/refining your own moral compass?

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Special thanks to Todd Cluff for his music on this podcast.

A special thank you to Feedspot for recognizing the Becoming The Change podcast as one of the Top 10 Social Emotional Learning Podcasts  on the internet. It is an honor to be amongst the other podcasts on this list as we all strive to make this world a better place.

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